
5 Ways To Deal With A Co-Worker From Hell

Learn how to manage a colleague you’re less than impressed by.

We all have that person at work that we simply don’t get on with.

Maybe they gave you a dirty look once or bumped into you without remorse or worse still, left you out of the tea round.

It may seem petty but when you’re dealing with that negative energy day in, day out, it can really start to affect you.

If the tension between you two has gotten to a new level, heed this advice from Life Coach Carole Ann Rice.

Create allies – When times get tough, you can count on a good friend to support you and help you get through the situation. The same principle applies in an office setting. Making friends is a great way to have support and get people on your side. But be careful – this should come organically. Refrain from making friends purely for your convenience as this can be damaging to others.

Network – Talking with people, whether horizontally or vertically, is a great way to gain popularity within the office. Even if it’s just in small groups, each level of the team has something to offer – support. Popularity is great for protection as it means more people like you and have a positive impression of you compared to just being an anonymous figure within the office.

Know your enemy – Sometimes you can kill them with kindness. Sometimes a longstanding grudge can be overcome by changing your attitude towards that person. Ask them how they’re doing and try getting to know them. Chances are, your kindness and attention to detail will throw them off and potentially help them to see you in a different light.

Keep a record – If your efforts to make nice don’t go very far and the tension lingers, it’s always a good idea to keep a record. Keeping note of the events that are sour can add as an additional layer of protection if something negative were to happen. It could serve as evidence in an HR situation meaning you are protected against the crazed co-worker.

Don’t tolerate any abuse – You must stand up for yourself in the workplace. Abuse is not even remotely professional in any aspect and should not be tolerated. If you feel that anything has gone too far past the limit of tolerable treatment, you should report it. You shouldn’t feel belittled.


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