Stuck in a hair rut? 8 expert tips to get out of it
Many of us stick with the same hairstyle for years, so how do you even start to think about switching things up?

We like to call it a signature style but some people call it a rut – yep, if you’ve had the same hairstyle for years, it might be time for a change.
Changing your hairstyle though, is scary, and since we use our hair as a form of comfort, it can be downright frightening to think of cutting it, curling it and colouring it.
It doesn’t have to be though; here, two hair experts divulge how you can embrace the change and look damn good in the process.
Get pinning
Samantha Cusick, Colourist and Viviscal Ambassador, says: “If I’m every considering a change I like to make Pinterest boards so I get a clear idea of what I want and can translate accurately to my team at the salon who kindly do my hair. I even put together a board of things I don’t like to make sure that’s avoided.”
Get a fringe
Session Stylist and Viviscal Ambassador Neil Moodie recommends getting a fringe for a semi-change: “If you have long hair, some type of fringe is the perfect haircut change without cutting all your hair off. If you have short hair, it can be hard to make a drastic change, so a fringe is the perfect way of adding something different.”
Think about your hair’s health
“No matter what you decide to do with your hair, remember to care for it. I always recommend taking supplements to keep it looking strong and healthy,” says Neil. “You can’t go wrong if your hair looks thick and shiny.”
Don’t be impulsive
“When my clients come to me looking for a change it’s ‘important for me to understand what it is they want to change and what is it that they are not currently happy with,” says Hairstylist and Viviscal Ambassador Philippe Tholimet.
“Once I have an idea of what that is we can look at changing it up. It could be as drastic as a colour change or as simple as showing them a new way of styling their current look. My advice it to talk it through with your hairdresser, impulsive decisions are often regretted so take your time to figure out what you want to change.”
Get wiggy with it
Philippe says: “If someone is heading for a drastic haircut but doesn’t want to take any risks I would advise to do it on a wig first and if you like it you can have it done on your hair afterwards with no drama.”
Update your wardrobe
“Look into changing your wardrobe a little too, then you’re working on a whole new look instead of just a haircut,” says Neil. “Be bold, brave, and just remind yourself it’s only hair, it grows!”
To get help with changing your wardrobe and making sure you are wearing the right colours why not contact professional stylist Natasha Edge at
Mention TLL and receive 15% off a Wardrobe Detox when you book in October!
Practice your ponytail
“If you have a bad hair day then put your hair in a high ponytail or a quick up do,” says Philippe. “It will instantly lift your face. Make it super sleek and shiny or messy – it’s up to you.”
Experiment with colour
“Balayage is still a huge colour trend! A free hand hair painting technique that can be as subtle or as obvious as you like! It can also be super low maintenance as it is seamlessly blended form the root so no obvious regrowth,” recommends Samantha.
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